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(10/24/09) CSS has joined the twitter and youtube communities. Feel free to follow our owner through the life of a credit superstar. Click here to follow on Twitter or click here for our Youtube.

(3/1/09) We here at CSS are excited to announce we have finished upgrading and have newly improved member profiles.

(2/26/09) Site maintenance is scheduled between the hours of 3am and 6am EST on 2/28. Site may be down at times during this upgrade.

(1/1/09) CSS wishes everybody a happy and prosperous new year!

(12/14/08) CSS will be down between the hours of 12 am and 5 am EST on Sunday, Dec 21st for site updates. We apologize for the inconvience.

(11/23/08) New and improved interface now active for members.

CSS Blog
Car companies failing. Time to buy?
by "TheChosenOne"

Wanna hear some numbers that'll make you feel poor? How about the $19.4 billion that the government gave that couldn't keep GM out of bankruptcy? Not enough? Well then what about the other $30 billion its planning to give to GM to reorganize? Ya, I thought so. Seems GM no longer needs to make a profit, it can just get its money from Uncle Sam.

Anyway, I hear from everybody, including the media that this is actually good news for potential buyers. On top of all the incentives, the rebates and the zero percent interest loans, theyre going to practically give their cars away for ridiculously cheap prices, right? Well, not so fast, my friend. I visited local GM and Chrysler lots just to see what kind of deals there are to be had. The result left me scratching my head...

The first thing I noticed, when I entered the lot. The lack of appeal. I mean, what have these companies done to appeal more to the consumer while its taken losses over the past few years? Nothing, as far as I can tell. As I walk through the lot, generic looking cars all around me, I figured hey, maybe the price will lure me. Well I walked over to the first car I considered, a plain looking sedan, not bad I thought. If I'm the ordinary Joe Schmoe family-guy, I could want this car. So,I looked at the sticker, and was in shock. It made absolutely no sense to me why anybody would pay that much for that plain of a car. The same thing happened when I visited the other lots. Absolutely no urge to buy. But you know what? I sure did notice some of the other cars in the other car lots, most of them foreign. Seems all the great designers and engineers are with foreign car makers these days. And here's the kicker, the prices were actually cheaper. As a matter of fact, I could only find a few american made cars that even remotely appealed to me, a 30 year old single male.. and very few were priced under $30,000.. and virtually none of them under $20,000.00... In a recession! I test drove. I made offers....(more)

Previous Blog Entry
HSBC and Citi and CLDs oh my >> You may or may not watch stock prices. If you aren't invested, you might have looked the other way up until now. But unfortunately people who never even invested in the stock market are suddenly being swept into it, now possibly victimized by the banks' falling stock prices. The word around the net is that you may have a surprise waiting when you log on to pay your credit card bill this month....(more)
Cracking the FICO formula Letter Templates
The main components of how a FICO score is generated are given to us by fair issac on their website. However, these factors are only part of the forumla, fico refuses to disclose the entire formula. CSS has taken the time to find some of the secret pieces of the formula. Join today and raise your FICO to a new level!

Our letter templates and dispute processes are laid out in easy to understand format that not only accomplishes deletions but also stops creditors/collection agencies from harrassing you. We explain every step in detail so you understand everything, including why both the credit bureaus AND collectors have to obey your requests under federal and state laws and statutes. Send off your first letter today

Not sure if your credit score is going to get you the card you want? Denials can result in credit inquiries that can damage your score. Some lenders are stingy and some are generous. We have a credit specialist that can tell you which cards you have the highest chance of approval with your credit scores AND the probable range of your granted credit line.

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